The Montessori Method

What is Montessori

The essence of Montessori is that every child is  treated with care, patience and respect, encouraging them to become independent and confident learners.
Montessori classrooms provide a prepared environment where children are free to respond to their natural tendency to work, they self-access activities and material in response to their own interests.

The children’s innate passion for learning is encouraged by giving them opportunities to engage in spontaneous, purposeful activities with the guidance of a trained adult.

Through their work, the children develop concentration and self-discipline and progress at their own pace and rhythm, according to their individual capabilities.

Maria Montessori

“Learning the correct answers will get a child through school, but learning how to learn is a preparation for life”

The Origins of Montessori

Maria Montessori was born in Ancona, Italy in 1870. During her early work with children with special needs, she developed learning materials to help them follow a normal academic programme and enter the sate school system. Maria Montessori was so impressed with the results from these children that she was inspired to continue her work.

She continued her work observing children and how they learn and developing learning materials. She opened her first montessori school in 1907 starting the widespread adoption of the montessori method of Education.

What we do at Maynard Montessori

At Maynard Montessori pre-school we offer an opportunity for children to learn, develop and meet their individual needs using the Montessori method of education. The environment is entirely child-centred and the team of dedicated staff work with every child following their natural development.

They actively encourage the use of the outside area at the pre-school. The children grow their own vegetables, fruits and flowers, they care for the pets, ducks and chickens, giving them an understanding of the fundamental needs of living things. They have the opportunity to spend time learning in a forest school in a local wood, working very closely with nature.