Our Promise to You
- To provide a safe, secure and happy environment for your child.
- To lead your child to the joy of learning and self-discovery.
- To observe your child as an individual and to help them to find their own potential.
- To provide a wide and varied day, incorporating a full learning programme.
- To allow freedom of movement during the learning activities and to provide physical exercise both indoors and outdoors.
- To encourage creativity in art, craft and musical expression.
- To encourage self-discipline, caring for others and social interaction.
- To promote independence and care of the immediate environment.
We want to help your child become a balanced, well-mannered and confident individual, who through the Montessori education system will have a flying start at their next school and for life.
Your Child’s Key Person
Your child will be allocated a key person when they start at Maynard. This person will help you and your child settle into the routines ensuring that you both feel safe and secure at this crucial time of separation.
Your Child’s Progress
It is very important that we work together to support your child’s learning experience. We individually plan for your child on a termly basis and using our new record keeping system within the pre-school called ‘My Montessori Child’.
This system is securely run using ipads to record visual evidence and observational records of your child’s progress and achievements whilst they are with us at pre-school. The system allows us to plan individually for your child and produce a clear visual record of the activities which have captured their interest.As a parent, you can log in to the system with a unique log in code, to view pictures and observations which have been recorded for your child. The system includes a ‘parent’s page’ which will keep you up to date with the pre-school news and Montessori updates.
Please see the following website for further details www.mymontessorichild/parents
We hold informal parent meetings with you upon your request and a parent/teacher consultation during the Spring Term
Partnership with parents
We have an open door policy and welcome you in at anytime to share in our pre-school activities.
We hold open mornings, mini concerts and school trips for you to share in your child’s experience.
We provide regular weekly updates on preschool activities through My Montessori Child and send out regular emails to keep you up to date with important information.